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Current certifications and training

Current certifications

  • Adult CPR/AED with Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine Auto-Injector Administration (American Red Cross); expires 02/2025

  • Hazardous Materials Transportation Basic (24-hr, 49CFR DOT); expires 04/2026

  • Interagency Aviation Training (A-100, A-110, A-200); expires 12/2025

  • Wilderness First Aid (20-hr, Wilderness Medical Associates); expires 02/2026

Selected courses

  • Backcountry Safety (April 2023)

  • Bear awareness and bear spray practice (April 2023)

  • Coursera

    • Machine Learning (January-March 2021)

    • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking (March-April 2022)

  • Science Communication Training Program for Early Career Scientists (Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee; February-April 2019)

  • Intercultural Awareness Certificate (Queen’s University International Centre and Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre, November 2018 – February 2019)

  • Canadian Firearms Safety Course (May 2018)

  • Mitacs Professional Skills Development

    • Networking Skills (October 2017)

    • Foundations of Project Management I (November 2017)

    • Foundations of Project Management II (January 2018)

    • Essentials of Productive Teams (February 2018)

    • Skills of Communication (February 2018)

  • “IsoCamp” Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry and Ecology Course and Lab (University of Utah, June 2015)

  • Alaska Soil Geography Field Trip (University of Alaska, July-August 2012)

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